DOV Committees

The Publications Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division. One Executive Counselor serves on this Committee.


The duties of the Publications Committee are as follows:

  • Work toward developing a journal for the Division;
  • In the absence of a devoted journal for the Division, organize a special issue to be published in a collaborating victimology-related journal.

The Newsletter Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division. One Executive Counselor serves on this Committee.


The duties of the Newsletter Committee are as follows:

  • Create the quarterly Division newsletters and distribute them to the Division membership. 

The Program Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division.


The duties of the Program Committee are as follows:

  • Organize the “Division of Victimology’s Scholarly Contribution Series” panel and other panels of interest to the Division for the ASC general meeting each year;
  • Create and submit flyers to the Criminologist each year that promote the Division’s mission, Executive Board, and awards;
  • Submit a flyer to be included as an ASC insert that provides details regarding the panels organized by the Division;
  • Organize and promote the Division’s social.

The Constitution and By-Laws Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division.


The duties of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee are as follows:

  • Update the Division Constitution and By-Laws as necessary;
  • Solicit votes from Division membership to approve or reject amendments to the Division Constitution and By-Laws (see Article X, Sections 1-6).

The Membership Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division.


The duties of the Membership Committee are as follows:

  • Organize and manage the Division Outreach Table at the ASC general meeting;
  • Appoint members of the Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee.

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division.


The duties of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee are as follows:

  • Increase the diversity of DOV membership through recruitment;
  • Provide an annual report demonstrating results of these efforts to the Executive Board at the annual ASC meetings;
  • Create and host a diversity and inclusion panel at the annual ASC meetings.

The Nominations and Elections Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division.


The duties of the Nominations and Elections Committee are as follows:

  • Canvass the Division membership to obtain suggestions for candidates;
  • Contact all candidates to determine their willingness to serve if elected;
  • Collect materials required for the electoral process from all willing candidates;
  • Present the the Executive Board a slate of candidates for all offices to be elected;
  • Coordinate with the Diversity & Inclusion Committee to ensure the slate of candidates have diverse characteristics;
  • Present petitions in support of a member to the Executive Board;
  • Create and distribute an electronic ballot to all DOV members qualified to vote;
  • Tabulate and announce the results of the election.

The duties of the ASC Nominations Committee are to solicit nominations for ASC level awards to be submitted to the Chair, as well as cultivate members to run for ASC level elections to serve on the executive board.

The Awards Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division.


The duties of the Awards Committee are as follows:

  • Solicit and review nominations and application materials for Division awards and Fellowships each year;
  • Coordinate with Division Secretary to buy award plaques and ship them to the ASC general meeting each year;
  • Present the award winners with plaques at the Division general meeting.

The Teaching/Resources Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division.


The duties of the Teaching/Resources Committee are as follows:

  • Collect resources related to the teaching of victimology related courses;
  • Collect research relevant to the area of victimology;
  • Post and distribute teaching and research resources on the Division website;
  • Develop and present roundtables at ASC related to teaching and research in the area of victimology.

The Mentoring Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division.


The duties of the Mentoring Committee are as follows:

  • Coordinate with Division members on hosting roundtables and presenting papers that discuss victim-related issues regarding teaching concerns, research concerns, researcher-practitioner partnerships, mentoring opportunities, and interdisciplinary work;
  • Assist with sharing information on resources and opportunities that can assist members in their victim-related work; 
  • Provide an annual summary to the DOV Executive Board before the annual ASC meeting regarding actions taken throughout the year.

The Technology Committee is chaired by a member of the Division selected by the Chair of the Division.


The duties of the Technology Committee are as follows:

  • Post about the Division and its members on the Division website, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, other social media accounts, and any related efforts, such as podcasts.